Monday, August 13, 2012

The beginning and end all in one

I AM to the person the longer i'v know them
-Simple . why use long and fancy words , if
the moment has no use for em'- It's simple
The closer  I AM with someone = the easier it is to get ''into ''them-
The way we feel we know it, is full of attachment and fear
Fear is based on loss = losing 
whom or what you've grown accustomed to
I feel at this moment as tho' I AM  a character within Dostoevsky's mind
Jack Kerouac hieroglyph ..
Children's book story line...
It begins with a dot.
from this all words and from . comes 
.Symbols ,symbolic - metaphors of matador (Picasso),nor do I or would I
wish to be , though I do do find myself at times filled with jealousy-
I say to myself as different faces and traces of history and 
Ancestry and wonder what it would be like to be any(which) one 
of those beings - blessed to be human beings..
''walk a mile in my shoes then you'll know!''
I try not to judge and  I don't forget what I've been through 
Maybe at times I do takes my comfort zone and tosses it to the void!
Now what!?!?!
Have to deal with life on life's terms-
At time's easy ,at other time's you wish you never got out of bed!
An that dot- you know what is that dot is !?!?
It's a moment in gap 'tween thoughts. 'tis where I and you 
begin from- where all began and came from ...
The Cosmic Dot. The Eternal dot of awareness , of mindfulness.
When ever I fall off the path or if I stumble if I'm not too caught up
I return to the dot. 
The beginning and the end all in one.
All  content Copyright ©2012 by Avabunny

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