Thursday, March 29, 2012

Light as a feather

These last few day I've been busy trying to finish my spring line for my store. Those lovely Swarovski butterflies and pearls arrived last week. I've already used one butterfly and one of the little blue looking gumball pearls in one my new spring necklaces. The concept of the necklace is light as a feather and the theme is springtime butterflies
                                            All work and images © Avabunny 2012

                                            This one of my lightest necklaces yet! 
This necklace will fit snug around the neck leaving the length of it to drape down one's back. I still have to add one more butterfly to the piece and it will be for sale in my Etsy store by the weekend. 

I'm  also working on little floating fairy houses . I'll show you  how that's working out next time!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wish I were a vampire or a celebrity !

Have you guys heard of the newest way celebs are making money. 
There's a website called Dial a star. 

For fifty bucks up front and anywhere from like ten to twenty bucks per minute. Depending on which star you wanna speak to.You can chit chat away until your taking out a second mortgage on you're house,lol.
I went to the website today to look around and I must admit, I really don't know most of the ''celebs'' there. 
I just wonder who would pay such an obnoxious amount of money to speak to..well.. ANYBODY!  
It reminded me of the fad a few years back where people were buying the most expensive burger in NYC. 
It was reportedly dusted with gold!!?!?..yeah, I know, I would rather just have a Big Mac myself.
 *shakes head and walks away* 

Flutterby Thursday

Did you guys know that the old English term for butterfly was buttorfleoge and they called these butterflies milk thieves. Germans also believed that witches could take the form of a butterfly to come and steal their dairy products.
                            Ahhh.. no wonder they are so pretty 

Today I'm a little disappointed =( 
 I went over to the American museum of natural history's website to look at the live butterfly cam and found out it's been taken down.  It got me thinking that this time around when I get my shipment of larves in I should set up a live webcam so everyone can view 'em. I really don't know why I didn't think of it before. Oh well, better late then never. I'm also starting on a line of butterfly inspired necklaces . I picked up the supplies to make 'em two days ago. They should be available in my Etsy store next week. I also want to share some butterfly related items with you guys that I found online.
The first one comes from 
   She has a store with the most amazing butterfly handmade items I've seen in a while. 
  The one I'd like to share here are little butterfly wings for you're Blythe doll .

This next one I found on eBay It's an ooak art Blythe doll by AnniedollZ

I also recently came across this store 

She makes handmade hair clips , rings , cuffs ..she does it all . I really love her Flutter Butterfly 
3-D hair clips
PICK 3 Butterfly Hair Clips Custom Colors Colorful

A few years back I made butterfly hair clips using  swarovski rhinestones. But I must admit I love her 3-D design, a lot!   And for those of you who want butterflies around you're eyes you might like these for you're lashes!                             

My last item is not butterfly related at all but I think you guys should stop over and see this woman's work. She makes whimsical doors that you can put up around your house to attract fairies .
Now who doesn't want that,lol.

Wonderland Fairy Door

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Innovations with Dark whimsy

I  started making a new item for my recycled jewelry collection today. I found a Styrofoam ball and started transforming it. I quickly noticed it started turning into a fancy, ghostly, Tim Burton like creation . Here's a few pictures of what I've done thus far.
                                                   All work and images © Avabunny 2012


The funny thing is, I wasn't even trying to make anything that was Tim Burton-ish. I just started adding different things. The first thing was the mushroom on what became the side of his head. Then I added the swarovski brown button eyes. Then I added two jumprings around the eyes.Then the bow tie. And then the strips of black velvet with dazzled with black swarovski crystal rhinestones. Last but not least, I took out the brown eyes and added the two big black swarovski crystals instead.  When I was done I looked at it and noticed it had a Tim Burton flare to it. I like tho'!, I like it a lot!   

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


My Blythe headband is almost finished! As you guys can see I have made a few more adjustments to it.  
The silk ivy leaves were replaced by REAL Ivy leaves!  the little doe ..gone. A lovely owl has taken it's spot. Let me show you guys some pictures of what I've got so far. 

 I have also decided that I want the headband to double as a bracelet for the dolls owner as well which is why this headband is not ready for sale yet.

                                          All work and images © Avabunny 2012                             
                    Hopefully this headband/bracelet will be received well *crosses fingers* 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring inspired headband for Blythe

     I am so excited that spring has finally arrived.  

 Over the last few days I have been inspired by spring colors and the lovely nature that surrounds my property. Today while working in my garden I found these walnuts that had the insides eaten out. I'm guessing by a squirrel. The inside of the empty shell is something you just have to see for yourself.

Bet you never thought would find that inside. I don't know if you can tell but it's in the perfect shape of a heart. Prior to today, I've also come across lots of little mushrooms in my garden and leaves with crazy lace patterns. All of this incredible natural beauty has inspired me to make a spring time headband for Blythe dolls. I've wanted to make something for Blythe dolls since forever !!

Well today.. I finally got started on making a headband !  I started with this lovely earthy brown colored leather

                                                      Added two rows of ivy leaves 
                                 Then took one row of ivy away and added two mushrooms 
                                                            And one pretty little doe
I'm not done yet. This is just what I have for now. More then likely I will change it around like a hundred more times before I get what I'm looking for . So far I think it pretty cute:)                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Whimsical Wednesday with Avabunny

I was on Etsy today looking for cool stuff for my doll when I came across this shop call
 OMG I love these Helmets.  I want one!!!


I also came across

She made these whimsical animal faced dresses for spring. I love them all!! 


Hey guys what's up !  I've been kinda MIA  since the weather here has been freaking gorgeous!!  Today  I had to go to Manhattan to run some errands because I live near nothing !!  On my way out the door I almost got attacked by a snake... I'm not kidding. 
                                                      Here's a picture I took of it . 

I've decided to call It Fangoria. I didn't see Fangoria at first because of it's gray color.  I have a gray cobblestone walkway that leads up to my house and as you can see Fangoria blends in with it. I didn't notice it until it started hissing and jumping at my foot.Since seeing it this morning I'm afraid to walk around the property . I'm not use to seeing all the wildlife I've been coming into contact with.Why just a few months back there was a huge owl in back of the house. Though I love owls..seeing this one up close freaked me out! What can I say..I'm a city girl =) Anyway, once I got to Manhattan I was bombarded by know the stuff  I'm accustom to, lol.  I boarded the bus and started reading one of the free newspapers I picked up. There was an article about how some bigwig officials were going to try and use homeless people as walking WI-FI hotspots.  
They basically wanted to give homeless people T-shirts that say  ''I'm  a 4G hotspot'' and have them stand around all day in hopes that people would stop to asked them for hotspot access codes. Oh yeah, and give the homeless like a two dollar donation for their walking WI-FI zone.  Seriously!!.. the stuff that goes on in this country is ridiculous! I also heard on the news the other day that stores over here may have to start locking up the Tide laundry detergent. Why !?!? .. Because thieves are stealing it to sell on the black market. The stuff people think up to steal * shakes head* 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Comeback later... I'm resting!

 My willow tree and plants also arrived today. 
The willow was shipped to me bigger then I thought it would be. It stands about 3ft tall. I took a picture of it ''resting'' in the box's covered in this wet stuff that kinda looks like noodles .
I'm going to take a picture of it once I have it planted outside. I need to soak it in the tub for a while before I can do anything with it. I took a picture if the top hat blueberry plant too. isn't it purtty.
  So, needless to say I'm going to have a lot of work ahead of me next week .
        I also came across the prettiest shelf liner today . 
I picked it up because I want to start bring out the old Victorian charm of the house. I''m starting with the kitchen .I'll tell ya' between the grounds outside and the kitchen I've got my hands full. But no matter how busy I get I'll still have time for my girl. I tried to curl her hair yesterday ..isn't she cute with her little Hello Kitty and big rollers  :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One Fluffy cat, A Blythe doll, and some green ribbon..Oh my!

This morning I logged into my Facebook account for the first time in a week .
I was just appalled by what I saw. Sometime between this morning and a week ago Facebook allowed ads to... TAKE OVER!!  So now, my Ava's Elements facebook page that I created to promote''my business!'' Now looks like freakin' Time square. I'm serious!!, these ads are all over my Facebook page, reminding me of the billboards in Time sq. It's irritating because I don't want them there,but there's no flipping way to remove them..ugh.

Anyway, on the brightside, I got a confirmation email from Spring Hill nursery this morning letting me know my plants are being shipped out this week...yay!! 

I also got an email from this lovely woman molly pepper over at Etsy, she has a store there where she sells vintage items.

Well, truth be know, I just love vintage toys,especially circus related ones . 
So when I saw she was selling a vintage fisher price circus set for thirty five bucks, I bought it.  
 I'm posting  two pictures  so you can see how cool it looks 

So anyway , She sent me an email letting me know she has shipped the circus set out !!!! 
My little Blythe doll Emily is very excited by the news! 
                   She has been asking me for some new toys for a while now,lol. 

 By the way,I took some better pictures of my carousel necklace. Remember The one I posted a picture of yesterday that had a bent looking charm ? yeah well, I took new ones' ..
                                                             Here's the first one 

             You can really see the colors much better now right? 
                     The picture from yesterday didn't show the colors at all!!                             
                                                           here's a few more pictures 

I just wanted you guys to see a few ''good'' pictures of this necklace because I had worked really hard on it when I was making it. I choose bright spring colors. I had really loved how the big bow in the back turned out . I had bought some bright spring green ribbon and hand stitched it to the sliver linked chain. This necklace still looks great after so many years *pats self on the back*

I didn't get a chance to take as many pictures of the grounds outside the house as I had hoped. It was pretty chilly out today. I think tomorrow will be better for me to wonder the grounds. I did however get a cute picture of a cat that was wondering around watching me. 
  It was  a  fluffy pretty kitty .....purrrrr burrrr 'cause it was so cold out !!

Well, I'm gonna go for now guy, I leave you with visions of green ribbon and fluffy cats,lol